Pick any point along the timeline that is my life and I can assure you that you will find something that has to do with dogs. From being that child that begged for a dog every Christmas, to being that person sitting in the corner at parties making best friends with the resident Shih Tzu, to throwing the frisbee around with my current dog, Chanel, I have always loved dogs. Every. Single. One.
Along with that, I've always had a love for the outdoors. I did the camp counsellor thing, the canoe trip leader thing, the hiking guide thing-- the list goes on. But the problem was I could only ever do those types of activities on the weekends, or during summer vacations. On top of that, after the adventures were over, I would always head back to the proverbial desks of my life and think fondly of my more adventurous pursuits.
As I started getting older, the question of "what I wanted to do with my life" became more and more pressing. After years of contemplation, a university degree, and a few different career paths, I came to a realization- I didn't want to have to schedule what I loved doing around my career. Rather, I wanted it to make it my career-- and that's how Rad Rover was born.
I spent a lot of time and creating a business model that not only meshed with my lifestyle, but that was designed with the absolute best interests of my clients and their pets in mind. There is so much love, passion and dedication behind what Rad Rover offers, that I really can't imagine doing anything else!
From as long as I can remember, I have had a deep love for dogs, of all shapes and sizes. I now prefer the Rescue Breed, just ask our two resident boys Pete and Rudy. Most people know that I am basically a heart on legs, and all rescue and adoptions sites should be blocked on my browser before we end up with a farm full of adopted pooches. I am that person who stops to pet and cuddle every dog along the way (it can take us quite some time to walk up the street sometimes)
My passion for rescue dogs stems from the belief that most of these abandoned and abused dogs just need love, a safe home, food, nourishment, exercise, and a second chance to become the best pets around.
My love for dogs, combined with my life long career and passion for customer service aligned perfectly to join the team at Rad Rover. My goal is to help grow Rad Rover by building a large network of qualified and trained staff with the same values and love of dogs, so we can service more clients and help families have the best trained and happily exercised rovers. A happy and well-behaved dog, is a tired dog.
I have had a deep admiration and love for animals for as long as I can remember. I spent much of my childhood growing up in South Africa and Kenya; it was here where I would spend our weekends at game reserves watching animals in their natural habitat for hours with my family. Animals were a big passion of mine, but I was not sure how to turn that passion into a career. So, like many, I pursued an avenue of formal education unsure of my life direction. I completed a Bachelor of Science and then went on to complete a Master’s in Education. I am a qualified teacher and have taught both within Canada and internationally.
Although I do love being in the classroom teaching and mentoring children, I love teaching and training dogs just as much! In fact, one of my career highlights has been training service dogs and integrating them into my Grade 1/2 classroom while living in Australia! I have always had a dog in my life one way or another, whether it be a family dog or service dog. I also love to support my local shelter and have been a foster parent and opened my home to many animals over the years. One time, I fostered and raised an orphaned puppy and 3 orphaned kittens simultaneously – I loved every second!
Although my career path has been far from linear, I am loving the journey and you can always find me with a smile on my face, especially if I am in nature with a dog! Being new to Kelowna, I am very excited to be exploring the trails with slobbery friends in tow. I have to pinch myself because being surrounded by dogs and breathing in the fresh air for work feels like a dream!
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always had this outspoken love for dogs. From the age of three onward, there has always been a dog in our family and I strongly believe that there always will be. Although I am unfortunately unable to have my own fur baby right now, I am still very lucky to be able to surround myself with my aunts and uncles dogs, taking them on walks and hikes regularly, and just visiting when I feel sad or am in need of a good puppy cuddle.
I moved to Kelowna back in June from Toronto, and I was determined to find a job that was quintessentially “BC”. I didn’t want to work a 9 to 5 job in the same place every day when I was surrounded by beautiful mountains and hiking trails that needed to be explored. Thankfully I was able to find Rad Rover, and when I was offered a position, I couldn’t be more excited. As someone who grew up camping, and then spent every summer in university working at a summer camp in the woods, I’ve always loved everything to do with nature and exploring as much as I can.
Becoming a Pack Leader for Rad Rover has honestly been a dream come true. Getting to work with such beautiful and unique dogs every day is something that I have wanted ever since I got my first puppy at the young age of three, and is something that I still can’t believe is real.
11 years ago, I met a pitbull, who started nipping at my shoelaces. I thought I would be nervous. But I wasn’t. Adopting Bauer that day at the Burnaby SPCA changed my family and my life, forever. Adding another American Staffy named Hector into the mix 6 years later, is what made our household whole. From then on, my family was half human, half dog.
I always enjoyed being apart of a team. I played soccer growing up, I am an actor, a singer, an EMT, and I hike all the time with my mom! Although I never played hockey, it has always been my greatest hobby. I find with each day that presents itself, there is a new chance to find out more about yourself and appreciate what you already love. I for one, know that every activity I have tried has brought amazing memories along with it, that I will hold onto forever.
And, these amazing memories will only continue, as I meet all of your amazing members of the fam! Together, dog and I, we will smile, play, and run! And create that connection and friendship that will last forever.
Growing up in the beautiful Okanagan I've always loved exploring this expansive backyard, and in recent years I've developed a love and passion for long distance pavement and trail running. In addition to raising three handsome, rambunctious young boys, I have spent the last years providing day-home care for parents in our community. During that time our family welcomed a beautiful new furry, 4-legged member, our mini Australian labradoodle, Maisie.
I've long loved and appreciated our furry companions for their capacity to offer boundless love, amazing personalities, and endless energy and loyalty. Maisie has blessed me with an even deeper love and appreciation of my sport, our landscape, and our amazing companions. She has given my family and I so much enrichment that I cannot imagine what our lives would be like without her; I certainly would not be the woman and mother I am today.
Having spent these last few years teaching so many of my two-legged pack-mates, and in turn learning from and growing with them, I am thrilled to join Rad Rover in the AMAZING role as pack leader and finally have the opportunity to pay back the joy, love and fulfilling contentment I’ve been blessed with to my new 4-legged pack-mates! How lucky am I to say, not only do I love where I live, but I love what I do!